Friday, February 5, 2010

One Month Dry

2010 Mileage: 769

The title doesn't refer to the weather because it has been anything but dry here. I went one entire month without a drink (adult beverage if you will). It's not as though I have a drinking problem, but it was a great way to save some money with the wedding approaching. It also did get me to spend a little more time on the bike and I do feel a bit healthier. And although I am enjoying a nice glass of wine tonight (and I had a beer at the shop with Per earlier) to close out my dry spell I am also looking forward to spending a good amount of time on the bike tomorrow. Snow or no snow my knee is feeling great after a good 4 days of yoga/stretching and foam rolling. I don't want to push it too hard but I am itching to get a long ride in and with a day off and Lindsay busy with wedding dress stuff all day tomorrow seems like a great day to see if I actually am recovered.

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