Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Need Internet

2010 mileage: 4030

Posting has been difficult lately since Lindsay and I have been avoiding paying the absurd sum of money comcast wants for internet here. How did they end up with this local monopoly?
Anyways, the riding has only been consisting of my commute, but that is 20 miles each way. Also a little different than nyc, I spend about 1/3rd of it on a gravel trail that winds through the woods. I saw 3 deer the other morning. I'm enjoying all the work there is to do at the new shop and that too is much different than nyc, a lot more space and a lot less people through the door. I'm also missing the midtown crew. Any of you guys want a job in Michigan?
Lindsay went from wondering what she was going to do to working three jobs in the course of a week so needless to say she is staying busy too.
The house is slowing coming together but we dedinitely can't fit a car in the garage yet, too many unpacked boxes. Now it's time to go mow the lawn, another of the many things to get accustomed to.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright, Mike says he is an expert lawn mower, I however am an expert vaccuumer! We would charge $35/hr. Email if interested - ask for Consuela.
I saw 78 squirrels on my ride in this morning and a coyote. They decided to let it live down in TriBeCa. (true)
We here miss you too, and sometimes (NOW!) too few people through the door isn't a bad thing. "not it"!
Tonight is cyclocross practice again although the guy who ran it last time broke out one of his front teeth at the race on Saturday. . .
I have been really un motivated lately to ride as well. But I hope once the stress will decease a little I think it'll come back.
It also has gotten a lot colder here so it feels a little more like fall, and that always makes me tired.
Car is red, and I am looking heavily into some winter gear.
Talk to you later,