Friday, February 4, 2011

A Compact Wasn't Cutting It

2011 mileage: 490

This morning I met up with a group of about 50 people for the Naples Velo group ride. A pace of 25 mph for 25 miles sounded fast but I figured I'd give it a shot. All I can say is Florida is really flat. I had no problem with the pace and took my fair share of pulls at the front. I only encountered two issues. First, I was getting gapped on every corner and then having to put in extra effort to close the gap. Closing it wasn't too tough but it showed me I need to work on cornering at speed. Also, I realized that the compact drivetrain I am running is lacking big time on the high end. I crossed the line second in both of the group sprints I contested but I was completely topped out at about 35 mph and I still had some in the tank but not enough of a gear to push. That was a good time and helped me knock out the first 30 miles pretty quick. I then headed North along the coast to add on another 40 miles to be home by 10:30 with 70 miles on the day. Now it's time to enjoy the beach with Linz, then massages this afternoon. A pretty good day if you ask me.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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