Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Different Kind Of Workout

2010 Mileage: 2885

For the last five days my only riding has been my daily commute and my after work ritual has consisted way too much of a few beers to wind down and not enough heading to the park. Not having a road bike has been my excuse although the multitude of other bikes I have to ride (including a touring bike) doesn't make it a good one. I am posting at one in the morning so I'm sure it's not going to happen tomorrow but hopefully Wednesday I'll be able to make a Piermont run before work.

I did however get a pretty good workout in tonight playing soccer in a league with a bunch of Lindsay's co-workers in Chinatown. The touch is a little lacking (although not as bad as i expected) and the few shots I took weren't even close to on target but it was a great time regardless. The team won rather handily and I got in a great workout off the bike. I need to start doing some running and not have all my workouts on the bike, which is something I've been realizing for a while but this just really drove the point home. A whole different group of muscles than I've felt in a couple years are going to be sore tomorrow.

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