2011 Mileage: 213
It has been an eventful first week of the year as far as riding goes. I already have two long rides under my belt and I have been feeling good. Sunday we had 9 people meet at the shop for a 60 mile loop. Three of us made it the full loop and we did it in just over 4 and half hours on the bike with a couple breaks on top of that.

The shop is also closed on Monday's until March so I took that day off to head out to Fenton (on the bike) to go visit Grandma for Lunch. Lucky for me she lives right by The French Laundry and the food from there is amazing, I even took a cinnamon roll and bug bar for my food for the ride home. We had a long and enjoyable two hour lunch and it also gave me a chance to regain the feeling in my toes before I headed back out. On the way home I paid a visit to my Grandpa at Great Lakes National Cemetery and made it home just before dark with 70 miles in just over 5 hours on the day.

Tuesday morning I attended another of Lindsay's 6am spin classes and it seemed to work the soreness right out of my legs because I felt great all day yesterday considering I had spent almost ten hours in the previous two days in the saddle.
I also finally have something nice to put together for the rest of the winter. An XTC 29er frame came in to my life yesterday so I should be able to put together something nice for the rest of the winter and maybe the team will stop laughing at what my winter bikes look like.

Beyond just riding my bike I have also started to do a little preparation for 2011 by way of race schedule. I have posted a tentative 2011 race schedule on the right (along with my results from 2010). I am trying to develop a 3-peak season with peaks at Lumberjack 100, Ore to Shore and Iceman (and then try to maintain through 'cross season). Kate and I are in the process of putting together a training regimen but right now the plan is ride... a lot. My first peak is my first hundred miler so I do need to be able to go hard for 100 miles. I am also hoping to add some local Tailwind races in to this schedule as time allows but for now these are the races that I am making priorities. It is always tough to balance time to both run a shop and race.
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