Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Review

2010 Mileage: 691

After a day off the bike yesterday I did a couple laps in the park tonight after work. My knee was feeling much better thanks to a little rest. I felt good but the temperature was dropping quickly so I decided to make it a short night.

I racked up 43 laps in the Central Park this month. I also rode in weather ranging from about 10 degrees to in the lower 50's, along with plenty of snow and rain. It was definitely a month of easing back into the saddle and I can slowly feel my endurance coming back. I am getting pretty good at looking at and knowing exactly how many layers I need to be putting on to keep comfortable for riding. This new skill doesn't mean that I am not looking forward to spring time, because trust me I definitely am.

1 comment:

Jody & Andy T said...

I can't imagine riding when it's below 30! I guess I'm a whimp.